Monday, March 29, 2010

The Kid and the Vampire

You may not believe what I will tell you. But I swear that its true. I cross my heart and hope to dy this is entirely true. Please believe me you are the only hope to still keep me sane. I hope at least someone can believe me.
A couple nights ago, I was sleeping in my bed like any other night. Until something woke me, at first I thought it was my imagination, but no it was a kid that I went to school with Charles McNab. I wondered how he got in here, but soon everything was about to come clear to me.
“Are you Crazy? It’s four o’clock in the morning.” Is what I said.
Charles replied “Hello, I’ve been keeping a secret from everyone for a long time. The secret is that I’m a vampire and I’m here to suck your body dry of blood.”
I shivered when he said this. I knew that tonight was my last night alive and I can tell you it doesn’t feel good one bit. Charles Lunged his fangs at me and started to suck my blood little by little at a time. It was impossible to stop him.
He just kept at it which felt like forever, which was really only seconds. During those seconds I realized a giant piece of garlic bread I was eating before I went to sleep. Quickly I sprinted to the bread, considering it was my last chance at survival.
Once I grabbed the bread he was trembling with fear. It is amazing on how deadly vampires can be but how easy it is to kill them I thought. He ran away but unfortunately for him the sun just came up. Now he is turning to dust right there on the sidewalk, his final words were
"I'll come back for you someday".
I doubt those words were true but just in case, I will be prepared.

Monday, February 22, 2010

New albums in Febuary

Febuary is a good month for music and it is also looking to be a good year. First off Obscura released their 3rd album titled Cosmo Genesis. Obscura is known to be a huge Technical Death Metal supergroup with some of the most talented musicans in Death Metal's history. The only problem i find with the album is that im not quite fond of the vocal delivary, but the extreme musicianship makes up for that by far. Another great release that happend this month is Overkills new album. It is titled "Ironbound" and so far it is some of the best thrash metal released this year. I love that how the vocalist is 50 years old and he still can do his famous screams and hit these ridiculously high notes that nobody else can hit.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thrash Metal

Thrash Metal was an important development in the genre of metal. It was the first to truely grasp technichal playing and the famous chugging sounding riffs. This genre was inspired by the hate for 80's glam metal that came out at that time like Motely Crue, W.A.S.P, Dokken, and Poison. Ironicly it started in the same place as glam metal, Los Angeles California. The Bay Area sounding thrash was the first sound which became popular with the youth that both enjoyed hardcore and metal. Bands that are notable to the genres development are Metallica, Megdeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Overkill, Exodus, Hirax, Sadus, Sabbat, Morbid Saint, Possessed,D.R.I, S.O.D, and of course Testanment.
The genre died when interest for metal moved from Thrash from to Groove and Death Metal in the early 90's. But the genre still had many people making music but there was not an audience to listen to it. The only bands that even had any success were German Thrash bands such as Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, and Holy Mosses. But the magnificent genre was about to come back in the mid 2000's.
The genre with it's Bay Area roots have recently came back with even more thrash for kids to bang their heads to. Some of the newer bands are Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste, Gama Bomb, Warbringer, Gama Bomb, Mantic Ritual, and the Wisconsin band Lazarus A.D to name a few. Lazarus A.D are legends to any Wisconsin metal fan because they were the first metal band ever from Wisconsin to actualy play outside the mid-west. Recently they even opened for the Loud Park festival in Japan.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random lyrics

Metallica-Blackend-...And Justice for All

Blackened is the End
Winter it will send
Throwing all you see
Into obscurity

Death of Mother Earth
Never a rebirth
Evolution's end
Never will it mend


To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
Blackened--is the--End!
To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
Color our world Blackened!

Blistering of Earth
Terminate its worth
Deadly Nicotine
Kills what might have been

Callous frigid chill
Nothing left to kill
Never seen before
Breathing nevermore


To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
Blackened--is the--End!
To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
Color our world Blackened!


Opposition (opposition)
Contradiction (contradiction)
Premonition (premonition)
Agitation (agitation)
Violation (violation)
Mutilation (mutilation)
Planet Dies
Darkest Color
Blistered Earth
True Death of Life
(termination) Termination
(expiration) Expiration
(cancellation) Cancellation human race
(expectation) Expectation
(liberation) Liberation
(population) Population laid to waste
See our Mother
Put to death
See our Mother die

Smouldering decay
Take your breath away
Millions of our years
In minutes disappears

Darkening in vain
Decadence remains
All is said and done
Never is the sun


To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
is the
To begin whipping Dance of the Dead,
Is the outcome of hypocrisy,
In the exit of hu-ma-ni-ty,
Color our world Blackened!


They've given me a mission
I don't really know the game yet
I'm bent on submission
Religion is to blame
I'm the new messiah
Death Angel with a gun
Dangerous in my silence
Deadly to my cause

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word
The word is all of us

I've given my life to become what I am
To preach the new beginning
To make you understand
To reach some point of order
Utopia in mind, you've got to learn
To sacrifice, to leave what's now behind

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word
The word is all of us
Speak the word
The word is all of us

Seven years of power
The corporation claw
The rich control the government, the media the law
To make some kind of difference
Then everyone must know
Eradicate the fascists, revolution will grow

The system we learn says we're equal under law
But the streets are reality, the weak and poor will fall
Let's tip the power balance and tear down their crown
Educate the masses, We'll burn the White House down

Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak to me the pain you feel
Speak the word [Revolution]
The word is all of us
Speak the word [Revolution]
The word is all of us
Speak the word
The word is all of us
Speak the Word
The word is all of us


Dark Tranquillity-Focous Shift

I think I just forgot
To pick up the shells
From my recent discharge
And you took the blame
Explanations falter
To ears fallen deaf
Wherever I go I get lost

A reference to something
That both of us knew
Nothing that favors the few
In the darkness electric we see
That silence has spoken tonight

I think I have lost my language
Whatever I've said I deny
I think I have lost my way
Whatever was missing is gone
I let my focus shift

Your face is a map
I fail to discover
Drowned the sounds
Lost in the order
It's the look that stayed my words
The unblinking knowledge
Interlocked and holding
No stalemate to break
Take hold of the flame that unites
In the silence that speaks to me now

I think I have lost my language
Whatever I've said I deny
I think I have lost my way
Whatever was missing is gone
I let my focus shift

I struggle to find the words
That negate my meaning
I fail to comprehend
What message is given

I decline the steady hand
That leads to rejection
Tempted by the closure
With no sense of pride
Drown the fury and swallow the fire
Drown the fury, swallow the fire

I think I have lost my language
Whatever I've said I deny
I think I have lost my way
Whatever was missing is gone
I let my focus shift

Friday, January 8, 2010

Winter Break

My winter break was fairlly average, I spent most of it playing videogames and hanging out with friends. I also went CD hunting a couple times and each time was minorly successful. I found some rare CD's but nothing I was particulary looking for. I also got to try the new game DJ Hero which I found to be quite fun considering I don't like any rap or hip hop. This was also one of the first Christmas breaks that It actualy nearly bored me to death seeing my family for Christmas Eve, usualy I like to hang with my cousins.