Monday, February 22, 2010

New albums in Febuary

Febuary is a good month for music and it is also looking to be a good year. First off Obscura released their 3rd album titled Cosmo Genesis. Obscura is known to be a huge Technical Death Metal supergroup with some of the most talented musicans in Death Metal's history. The only problem i find with the album is that im not quite fond of the vocal delivary, but the extreme musicianship makes up for that by far. Another great release that happend this month is Overkills new album. It is titled "Ironbound" and so far it is some of the best thrash metal released this year. I love that how the vocalist is 50 years old and he still can do his famous screams and hit these ridiculously high notes that nobody else can hit.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thrash Metal

Thrash Metal was an important development in the genre of metal. It was the first to truely grasp technichal playing and the famous chugging sounding riffs. This genre was inspired by the hate for 80's glam metal that came out at that time like Motely Crue, W.A.S.P, Dokken, and Poison. Ironicly it started in the same place as glam metal, Los Angeles California. The Bay Area sounding thrash was the first sound which became popular with the youth that both enjoyed hardcore and metal. Bands that are notable to the genres development are Metallica, Megdeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Overkill, Exodus, Hirax, Sadus, Sabbat, Morbid Saint, Possessed,D.R.I, S.O.D, and of course Testanment.
The genre died when interest for metal moved from Thrash from to Groove and Death Metal in the early 90's. But the genre still had many people making music but there was not an audience to listen to it. The only bands that even had any success were German Thrash bands such as Kreator, Destruction, Sodom, and Holy Mosses. But the magnificent genre was about to come back in the mid 2000's.
The genre with it's Bay Area roots have recently came back with even more thrash for kids to bang their heads to. Some of the newer bands are Toxic Holocaust, Municipal Waste, Gama Bomb, Warbringer, Gama Bomb, Mantic Ritual, and the Wisconsin band Lazarus A.D to name a few. Lazarus A.D are legends to any Wisconsin metal fan because they were the first metal band ever from Wisconsin to actualy play outside the mid-west. Recently they even opened for the Loud Park festival in Japan.